Ben Vercammen

Software Developer & Professional Dreamer

About me

For a long time (since 2005) I've been working as an IT consultant. Creating and maintaining websites, developing and testing applications and writing business software for other companies. A fun and fulfilling day job, but still I felt something was missing. So after hours I would put a lot of time and energy in some more personal projects. Unfortunately, there are only so many hours in a day, and the urge to build something of my own kept growing. I wanted to work on something I could put all of my passion in. Not just "work for hire". So in 2021 I finally decided to quit my day job and embark on a new and exciting adventure. And here I am, trying to pursue my dreams in a professional, humbitious manner.

On this page you can get to know me a little better. This is also a reminder for myself as to what my aspirations are, serving as a set of guidelines for me to decide which projects to take on.

If you have an interesting project along these lines, and you think we can somehow work together, feel free to reach out and contact me!


Everyone should be playing!

Be it sports or games, the Homo Ludens should always be able to embrace its playful nature.


Level the playing field

Play is serious business and shouldn't be left exclusively to kids. No matter the level of skill or professionalism, my mission is to enable people to easily organize and enjoy all manners of sporting and gaming competitions. Not just to win, but to keep on playing!

Get in touch

Feel free to reach out to me through any of the channels listed below.


Since 2021, I've been focussing on mobile applications. Below you can find my current portfolio, which admittedly isn't all that impressive yet, but I'm only one single man and not a machine...

App About
Muurke Klop
Muurke Klop
(since 2021)
Follow along with all tournaments and competitions for "Muurke Klop". My first app ever. Still have a lot of ideas for this one, but not my priority right now...
Muurke Klop in Google Play   Muurke Klop in the App Store in Google Play
(since 2022)
Create and run your own tournaments and competitions. This is the app I'm currently focussing on, as it is part of the ecosystem.
Scorekeeper in Google Play
(since 2023)
Small but fun letters & numbers countdown game, themed in a retro eighties TV-show style. I created this one in order to flex my flutter muscles, and for my kids to practice their math skills.
Sitsefunt in Google Play   Sitsefunt in the App Store

Current Projects

Lower the threshold for organizing and setting up any type of competition.
Support sporting federations, event organizers and everybody else with the right software to come out and play.

Grown-ups returning to the playgrounds in a serious, yet tongue in cheek manner. Probably the most fun ball game in the world. Nostalgia at its best.

Personal interests

Technical Knowledge


Before setting out by myself, I have been working for an IT consulting company, currently called Inetum-Realdolmen, for almost 16 years. I took on several roles at a lot of interesting companies in various sectors. A short overview can be found below.

A more detailed history of my projects can be found here.

Site hustle

I still build and/or maintain small websites on the side. You can check them out if you like.